Traveling Time

Jason took his second plane trip last week…to Minnesota again to see Mommy’s relatives. He had a fun stay with his Great Uncle Nick and Great Aunt Bernie and got…

Happy Birthday!

Incredible as it seems, Jason is now one year old. But while it’s hard to believe it’s been a whole 12 months since he was born, it’s equally hard to…

11 Months and Cousin Alex!

Jason is doing great at 11 months. He’s working up to walking by standing unaided and walking/launching himself towards people and furniture. He likes to wave “hello” and “bye-bye”, says…

Nine Months

Well, Jason hit the nine-month mark on Thursday, January 15, and went in for his checkup the next day. The best news was no shots (!), and he got a…

All I Want For Christmas…

Jason enjoyed his first Christmas, even though he didn’t quite know what to make of it all. The big hits, as expected, were the lights on the tree and all…

Six Months (!)

Incredible as it seems, Jason is now six months old. Last week we took him in for his check-up and it’s official…he’s big. The scores went like this: height =…

Front Porch Adventures

Dorothy found that everything she ever really needed was in her back yard all the time. In Jason’s case, it’s the front yard. A few days before the hurricane, we…

Hurricane Izzy

Well, we survived Hurricane Isabel with no injuries or property damage, though it did get a little scary for a while. Some neighbors lost trees (and one might lose his…

Four Months

Hard to believe it’s been four months since Jason was born. In some ways, it seems like just yesterday, but at the same time it’s hard to remember what life…