Category kids

Toddler Malapropisms

One of the many interesting aspects to having young children is watching them evolve their speech from grunts to baby talk to something approximating English before finally talking like little grown-ups. More than once, Laura’s noted wistfully the first time…

Scotty’s Brain

One of the unexpected pleasures of being a dad has been watching my kids’ brains slowly turn on bit by bit and develop in unexpected directions. Jason’s mental skills are a bit on the “flashy” side; the kind of stuff…

Super-Jason and Hoppy

Last Halloween, Jason had trouble deciding on a costume, so we grabbed a Superman outfit on sale and figured we were good to go.  Then he decided he wanted to be a pumpkin. A few days ago we pulled out the Superman suit again and this…

Jason The Cop

Jason and Scott had a lot of fun over the Labor Day weekend, tearing around the back yard, throwing their frisbees and balls, digging in the sandbox and chasing frogs. At one point, they got a frisbee caught in a…

A Pair of Jokers

Although this clip has a bit of age on it now (it was taken over a year ago), it’s one of my favorites as it captures perfectly the relationship of Jason and Scott, who each will try any stupid thing…

The Thing About Boys

I turned up a neat quote today on what it’s like to have sons: “A boy is a magical creature. You can lock him out of your workshop, but you can’t lock him out of your heart. You can get…

Back Yard Adventures

Well, the back yard is finally shaping up for us. Last fall we had some guys come in and clear out the woods, taking down about 100 trees and tons of brush, roots and stumps, then bringing in some fill…

A Day At the Circus

Last weekend we took the boys to the circus for the first time. In retrospect, we probably should’ve waited another year. We started off well enough, with Jason laughing hysterically at every inane thing the clowns did, and the elephants…

Scotty Turns Two!

Where does the time go? Scotty turned two last Saturday, and had a great time opening presents and being sung to. He practiced blowing out candles for about a week ahead of time, so when the big moment came he…

A game of H_NGM_N with Jason

Last night I played a really fun game of Hangman with Jason. I should explain a couple things first. One is that at the age of 3 and a half, Jason can already read and write on a 2nd-grade level,…