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Self-Isolation, One Week In

Well, I did make it past Wednesday and the big work project: everyone’s up and running with Zoom at VCU, so I can start breathing again. I’ve actually been impressed with how pleasant everyone’s been in such stressful conditions, in…

Life During Plague Times

I’m writing this on Day Three of my self-isolation in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Laura and the kids and I are hunkered down for at least the next couple of weeks. It’s a Monday and my first official day…

Vampire (Likeness) Hunting

Looking for another project to test out my new set of pen nibs and brushes, I decided to attempt a caricature of an old favorite TV character; Dark Shadows’ resident vampire, Barnabas Collins. Rather appropriately, it ended up being a…

Trial and Error

I generally try to avoid politics here, if only to honor the old adage, “if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.” It’s been a pretty sorry decade or so for American politics, and there’s honestly no…

Another Art Project Goes “Splat”

I got a set of nib pens for Christmas in hopes of finally figuring out how to do “proper” inking. Historically, I’ve used fine-tipped markers and tried to recreate the effects of nibs and brushstrokes through “fakery.” Since the object…

Scott at 15 (!)

Yesterday was Scott’s birthday, incredibly placing him halfway through his teen years. He picked out an acoustic guitar that looks and sounds terrific and better yet gives him one to play other than mine. Or so I thought: now he’s…

Superman, 2020

I’ve always been interested in the ways comic books imagined the future, especially when I was living in the “future” in question.  As a kid, I read a reprint of an old Captain Marvel (“Shazam” variety) tale that featured a…


I was finally coming to grips with the fact that I’m living in the 21st (!) century and now here we are in the previously inconceivable year of 2020.  I mean seriously, doesn’t “2020” sound like a subtitle at the…

One Giant Leap for Hologramkind

In what’s easily 2019’s coolest use of AV technology, the Smithsonian is projecting a giant holograph of a Saturn V rocket onto the Washington Monument this week; on Friday and Saturday it’ll come to life and recreate the launch of…

Moonraker at 40

You’ve doubtless heard this summer marks a major anniversary of mankind’s greatest adventure in space.  That’s right, it’s been 40 years since the theatrical release of the James Bond film, Moonraker. In 1979, this celluloid masterpiece landed amid a wasteland of lackluster films…