More Catalog Memories

Well, here we are at Christmas time again (!) so let’s take another look at what was available to American consumers fifty years ago via the miracle of the full-color,…

Nature Break

More or less on a whim, Scott and I decided to enjoy an overnight camping trip to nearby Bear Creek Lake before the weather turns too cold. We’d never been…

Kinda Sketchy

Recently I’ve fallen down the Youtube rabbit hole of “How To” art videos encouraging me to put pen to paper and start sketching anything and everything. So I decided rather…

More Fun With Markers

I had some time to kill, so I experimented a bit more with alcohol-based markers for this Superman image. It was going to be a caricature, then it ended up…

RIP George Perez

Well, this is a bummer, posting two obituaries in a row. Last week we lost comics artist George Perez, and while I can’t claim he had the same earth-shaking impact…

RIP Neal Adams

When I was a kid, I wanted to grow up to be a comic book artist. I suppose that wasn’t so unusual an aspiration for a youngster, but I was…