- Attack of the 50-Year-Old Comics
- Super-Team Family: The Lost Issues
- Mark Evanier's Blog
- Plaid Stallions
- Star Trek Fact Check
- The Suits of James Bond
- Wild About Harry (Houdini)
Recently, Laura and the kids decided we needed a(n until then unannounced) “movie night,” but no one had any idea what to watch. I suggested a Bond film, which normally…
Not sure I have much to add on the subject of William Shatner venturing into space for real, but I figured I couldn’t let it go entirely unmentioned. I don’t…
Sometimes I wonder why blogs aren’t so much of a thing anymore, and then I remember how often I update this one, which is almost never. I guess it’s just…
On June 1, Jason officially graduated high school. This is the part where as Dad I say, “where did the time go?” but I know for him it probably feels…
Yesterday was a bit chaotic, so I missed posting birthday well-wishes to William Shatner, who turned 90. Better late than never, I guess. For a moment, I was going to…
I’ve always had more luck with drawing than painting. I’d like to be able to paint, I just never seem to have the patience to learn. It’s on my “to…
I try to avoid political posts on this blog. Early on, it became obvious they’d always end up as gripe sessions, so I decided if I couldn’t say anything positive,…
As I write this, only a few hours remain in the year 2020, and I can’t imagine anyone will be sorry to see it go. Around this time last year,…
Just when you thought 2020 couldn’t be any more of a wall-to-wall crap-a-palooza, now comes word that Sir Sean Conney has left us. Like most everyone else, I first encountered…
Halloween is nearly here, and next week brings the even scarier reality of another presidential election, but for me this time of year always brings memories of another annual tradition:…