(Not) Passing It On

Recently, Laura and the kids decided we needed a(n until then unannounced) “movie night,” but no one had any idea what to watch.  I suggested a Bond film, which normally…

Shatellite Launch

Not sure I have much to add on the subject of William Shatner venturing into space for real, but I figured I couldn’t let it go entirely unmentioned. I don’t…

Catching Up

Sometimes I wonder why blogs aren’t so much of a thing anymore, and then I remember how often I update this one, which is almost never.  I guess it’s just…

Jason The Grad

On June 1, Jason officially graduated high school. This is the part where as Dad I say, “where did the time go?” but I know for him it probably feels…

Shatner at 90

Yesterday was a bit chaotic, so I missed posting birthday well-wishes to William Shatner, who turned 90.  Better late than never, I guess. For a moment, I was going to…

Another Art Experiment

I’ve always had more luck with drawing than painting.  I’d like to be able to paint, I just never seem to have the patience to learn.  It’s on my “to…

Tragedy in DC

I try to avoid political posts on this blog. Early on, it became obvious they’d always end up as gripe sessions, so I decided if I couldn’t say anything positive,…

RIP Sir Sean Connery

Just when you thought 2020 couldn’t be any more of a wall-to-wall crap-a-palooza, now comes word that Sir Sean Conney has left us. Like most everyone else, I first encountered…