

League of Extraordinary Oddballs: MR WHISKERS

There’s at least three things a superhero needs to succeed in the comic book business: a cool costume, an interesting power set and a catchy name.  Here we meet a hero who proudly fails all three tests.  I give you…

More Fun With Markers

I had some time to kill, so I experimented a bit more with alcohol-based markers for this Superman image. It was going to be a caricature, then it ended up being more “straight,” but the massive chin stuck around. Another…

League of Extraordinary Oddballs: KANGAROO MAN

Continuing our review of unusual comic book adventurers, the spotlight now falls on Kangaroo Man, not that he deserves it since he’s not the real star of the strip that bears his name.  Just as the Red Bee played second…

RIP George Perez

Well, this is a bummer, posting two obituaries in a row. Last week we lost comics artist George Perez, and while I can’t claim he had the same earth-shaking impact on my young life that Neal Adams did, he was…

RIP Neal Adams

When I was a kid, I wanted to grow up to be a comic book artist. I suppose that wasn’t so unusual an aspiration for a youngster, but I was pretty specific: I wanted to be Neal Adams. Come to…