

Jason The Grad

On June 1, Jason officially graduated high school. This is the part where as Dad I say, “where did the time go?” but I know for him it probably feels overdue.  I still remember spending my own HS graduation barely…

Shatner at 90

Yesterday was a bit chaotic, so I missed posting birthday well-wishes to William Shatner, who turned 90.  Better late than never, I guess. For a moment, I was going to type “actor William Shatner” or “Star Trek star…” but at…

Another Art Experiment

I’ve always had more luck with drawing than painting.  I’d like to be able to paint, I just never seem to have the patience to learn.  It’s on my “to do” list. Anyway, I came across an interesting method for…

Tragedy in DC

I try to avoid political posts on this blog. Early on, it became obvious they’d always end up as gripe sessions, so I decided if I couldn’t say anything positive, I’d say nothing at all.  Looking back, I think the…

RIP Sir Sean Connery

Just when you thought 2020 couldn’t be any more of a wall-to-wall crap-a-palooza, now comes word that Sir Sean Conney has left us. Like most everyone else, I first encountered Connery as James Bond.  As a kid of the 70s,…