Vs. the Amazing Spider-Man
Even back in 1976, it was already old hat to tout a comic
as the "most important" or "amazing"
or "greatest" thing in the history of the medium,
but even the most jaded of readers must have dropped their
jaws at this one; the two most famous characters of the
two biggest rivals in the business, ready to duke it out
on the cover of a single, giant-size book. It doesn't get
much bigger than that.
"They said it couldn't be done!" crows Stan
Lee on the inside cover to Superman vs. The
Amazing Spider-Man. Whether it could or not, I was
pretty sure it wouldn't. Everyone knew
DC and Marvel were oil and water, chalk and cheese, night
and day; no way cold they ever mix. Surely a crossover between
those two oppositely-charged universes would be like mingling
matter and anti-matter; end of the world stuff, dogs and
cats living together, mass hysteria.
And yet, there they were, right there on that wonderful
cover; Supes and Spidey sharing the limelight, DC and Marvel
sharing a box in the corner. The impossible made reality.
For me, that cover remains the coolest part of the whole
project: iconic in its very simplicity, vibrantly colorful,
fairly crackling with potential energy and yet in its own
way understated, with no blurbs, no word balloons and just
those two hyperbolic lines above the title: "The
Greatest Superhero Team-Up Of All Time! The Battle of the
Our story opens in Metropolis, where Superman smashes a
giant robot and delivers Lex Luthor to
jail, but not before the evil genius stashes away a computer
chip stolen from STAR Labs. Cut to New York City, where
Spider-Man defeats Doctor Octopus, soaring
over the city in a flying octopus ship hidden inside the
Goodyear blimp (yes, we had product placements in 1976,
In prison, Otto and Lex recognize each other by reputation,
and when Luthor breaks out using an old Doc Savage trick
(escape tools hidden under a false layer of skin), he takes
Doc Ock with him.
Meanwhile, Clark Kent, Lois Lane and Morgan
Edge attend an international conference for journalists
and cross paths with Peter Parker, Mary Jane Watson
and J.Jonah Jameson. As Lois and M.J. exchange
catty digs over "cute" Pete, "Superman"
suddenly swoops in and zaps both women with his heat vision,
apparently disintegrating them. Then he flies off again.
Peter makes off to change into his Spider-Man togs, but
not before giving us a fun sight gag that will be brazenly
stolen two years later for Superman: The Movie.

Dashing to the roof, Spidey spots Superman, and the fun
begins. Superman assumes that "given his reputation"
Spider-Man must somehow be connected to the impostor who
attacked the girls. Spider-Man meanwhile knows what he's
seen -- or thinks he does -- and so lights into Superman.
We learn the fake Superman was actually Luthor, who along
with Doc Ock is gleefully anticipating the imminent battle
between the two heroes. Luthor aims an energy ray at Spider-Man
and temporarily boosts his power levels to the point where
he can give Superman a run for his money. Giant-size mayhem

The fight runs on for several pages, which is fine as this
is the part most fans paid to see. Everyone gets their money's
worth as a whole page is devoted to a giant panel of Spider-Man
knocking Superman for a loop, then a few pages later Superman
gets equal time, clobbering Spidey (although he doesn't
actually hit him; he stops an inch short and the resulting
shockwave sends the wall-crawler flying).
Realizing he came close to killing Spider-Man, Superman
quickly cools off. Spidey doesn't, but as the effects of
Luthor's ray wear off, he returns to his normal power levels,
with predictable results:

Cooler heads prevail and the heroes team up to fight the
villains, tracing them to Africa, then outer space and the
abandoned satellite of the "Injustice Gang
of the World", where we at last find the kidnapped
Lois and Mary Jane (remember them?). Luthor takes control
of the just-launched "ComLab" satellite using
that computer chip he stole from STAR Labs. His plan is
to control the Earth's weather, creating hurricanes and
tidal waves that will destroy the human race in retaliation
for never appreciating his genius (I guess he's planning
to relocate to Lexor).
Doctor Octopus breaks ranks at this point, realizing that
while evil plans are cool and everything, all his favorite
restaurants are on the Earth. He turns against Luthor to
aid the heroes. Spidey mops up the baddies while Superman
races to stop a massive tidal wave headed for North America's
East Coast. The good guys win, Clark Kent and Peter Parker
produce film and photos of the action to the delight of
their respective bosses, and Lois and Mary Jane get a nice
dinner with the boys. The End.
there you have it. The book ends and the world is still
spinning, dogs and cats are not living together and tomorrow
I still have to go to school. It is, in the end, a fairly
pedestrian comic story, despite the boundless potential
of that cover. Gerry Conway writes the
tale in a "user-friendly" style aimed at attracting
audiences who aren't necessarily steeped in comics lore
and continuity but know the heroes from their various media
incarnations. There are some fun moments for the side characters,
notably Morgan Edge and J. Jonah Jameson, who share a drink
and complain about their employees. Spidey gets in his trademark
one-liners, as in the scene where Superman asks, "Can
you hold down the fort?" and Spidey answers, "Does
Warner Brothers make movies?"
The weird part, of course, is that everyone seems so unamazed
to meet each other. There's no attempt to explain things
away with talk of multiple Earths or alternate dimensions:
Superman and Spider-Man live on the same world, it's just
that they haven't gotten around to meeting each other until
now. Naturally this can't be at all reconciled with established
continuity at either company, but again we're not targeting
comic geeks with this one.
Seeing as how he was (in 1976) one of the very few writers
to have worked on both characters, Conway was the logical
choice for this book, as was artist Ross Andru,
a Superman veteran and Spidey's official artist at the time
this book came out. Dick Giordano's inks
add polish (though I swear some of the backgrounds look
like the work of Terry Austin) and as has
been revealed in various places, an uncredited Neal
Adams redrew many of Andru's Superman figures
and heads throughout.
The ultimate result is a "generic"-feeling book
-- neither DC nor Marvel, just a standard superhero story,
like one of those Power Records books or the "Giant
Comics to Color." It's harmless fun, but hardly the
epochal, life-changing tale my younger self expected.
The cover still rocks, though.