Scott: Swinging to Infinity

scottssecretScott hit a milestone this week; he learned how to swing himself on the swingset.  Luckily, I’d just managed to replace the old plastic stakes (which never stayed in) with some new metal, screw-in anchors.  Between our boys and the neighbor kids, the swingset was lifting alarmingly high off the ground when in use.

A lot of attention is given to learning to ride a bike, but I’ve been surprised to see what a milestone the first solo swing can be.  I must have gone through the same thing myself, but so long ago I don’t remember it.  It’s very liberating not to need an adult (or solicitous older sibling) around to get you going, and Scott’s pretty proud of himself.

Scott’s also demonstrated a willingness to move ahead on homeschooling, after a long period of indifference.  He’s eager to learn to read, and is pretty much there, though he tires of it after a page or two.  On the math front, the boys have recently been kicking around the concept of “infinity,” and while Jason’s okay with the idea of a number that can’t be divided, multiplied or added, Scott’s still skeptical.  Yesterday he told Jason, “Yes, I can count to infinity.  But it would take a long time.”

One comment

  1. > “but I’ve been surprised to see what a milestone the first solo swing can be.”

    It’s quite daunting to think that, for a child, EVERYTHING is a milestone, and must be encountered for the first time, then eventually conquered. That amazing determination, and sheer bravery, is wonderful to see. Too bad we can’t hold on to that as adults… but, somehow, it is knocked out of us as life goes on.

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