Laura the Teacher

This week Laura finally fulfilled a longtime ambition and began teaching her first college-level course. Laura was approached by VCU’s School of Business to teach a course a couple years…

Atomic Batteries to Power…

  I’m really looking forward to this one. After spending decades trapped in legal limbo, the 1966 (TV show) Batmobile is finally returning to toy store shelves this year, thanks…

A game of H_NGM_N with Jason

Last night I played a really fun game of Hangman with Jason. I should explain a couple things first. One is that at the age of 3 and a half,…

Launching The New Blog

Well, after letting the old site lay around unchanged for a few years, I finally decided to give it a face-lift. I figure most of my visitors are family anyway,…

Lots To Catch Up On

Wow. Long time, no update. Well, since the last entry here, Scott’s celebrated his first birthday. He’s turned into a very fun kid, pretty much making up for the first…

Time Flies

Things continue to move along at a pretty quick pace in the Morefield household (hence the infrequent updates to this journal!). In October we took the boys up to Ohio…

More Hi-Jinks

Well, the good news is that at the tender age of two, Jason can already read and write a good many words, including the names for all the colors in…

Summer Fun

The boys are enjoying the summer so far, even though it’s been too hot to go out a lot. Cousin Skylar came to visit over Independence Day weekend with his…

Life With The Boys

Scott’s coming up on four months old now, and is doing very well. He’s able to roll from front to back and once or twice has gone the other way,…

Happy Birthday, Jason!

Jason celebrates his second birthday today, April 15, and he’s thrilled about it. In the weeks leading up to this, we’ve asked him how old he is: “One!” And how…