Flying Skybus

Over the weekend we journeyed to Ohio for Laura’s mom’s wedding, and became some of the first passengers of the recently launched Skybus airline. We got our seats for a…

A Pair of Jokers

Although this clip has a bit of age on it now (it was taken over a year ago), it’s one of my favorites as it captures perfectly the relationship of…

The Thing About Boys

I turned up a neat quote today on what it’s like to have sons: “A boy is a magical creature. You can lock him out of your workshop, but you…

Back Yard Adventures

Well, the back yard is finally shaping up for us. Last fall we had some guys come in and clear out the woods, taking down about 100 trees and tons…

Tragedy at Tech

Yesterday a gunman took 32 lives at Virginia Tech in what they’re calling the worst such shooting spree in history. For now, anyway. Every day I work on a university…

A Day At the Circus

Last weekend we took the boys to the circus for the first time. In retrospect, we probably should’ve waited another year. We started off well enough, with Jason laughing hysterically…

Lust in Space

So let me see if I’ve got this straight. One day she’s a brilliant young Navy captain and astronaut with a space mission behind her and more to come, the…

Scotty Turns Two!

Where does the time go? Scotty turned two last Saturday, and had a great time opening presents and being sung to. He practiced blowing out candles for about a week…