- Attack of the 50-Year-Old Comics
- Super-Team Family: The Lost Issues
- Mark Evanier's Blog
- Plaid Stallions
- Star Trek Fact Check
- The Suits of James Bond
- Wild About Harry (Houdini)
The Dark Lord of the Sith on crutches, with a garbage bag for a cape. A “church” of Star Wars movie worshippers. A two and a half gallon box of…
Well, incredibly we’re up to Week 20 now with our latest pregnancy. Laura had an extensive ultrasound Monday and everything looks great, thankfully. Strong heartbeat, head the right shape, bones…
Comic books were a huge part of my childhood, but for the most part I wouldn’t let my boys near anything printed today. A while back Jason took an interest…
Considering it combines two of my longtime interests — science fiction and espionage — you’d think I’d have devoured “The Prisoner” TV series long before this, but I’m only now…
One of the many interesting aspects to having young children is watching them evolve their speech from grunts to baby talk to something approximating English before finally talking like little…
As a fan of both the Beatles and Bond, I think this has to be about the funniest clip I’ve seen:
Just finished William Kalush and Larry Sloman’s recent Houdini biography. It’s a pretty fascinating read, but then it’d take some effort to tell Houdini’s life story and NOT make it…
Like I’m not doing a lame enough job already just keeping this blog going, now I’ve gone and started a new one. For ten years now, I’ve made almost daily…
We spent Thanksgiving in Columbus this year, so I got the chance to attend Mid-Ohio Con for the first time in nearly ten years. The show’s grown a bit over…
In the unlikely event there was still a doubt in your mind, William Shatner does indeed rule the known Universe. And here’s your latest proof: