“Acquital Is Not An Option”

The latest “fun with language” news comes — surprise! — from Wacklyand, D.C. and centers on Attorney General Eric Holder’s plans to try 9/11 villain Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four…

Catching Up

Laura says I’d better update this blog soon or people will stop visiting.  So for the approximately 2.3 of you who make this site a regular stop, thanks for hanging…

Back from Minnesota

Last Thursday we flew up to Minnesota for an extended weekend visiting relatives.  The boys had lots of fun riding the tire swing at Uncle Nick and Aunt Bernie’s, and…

Scouting With Jason

We signed Jason up for the Cub Scouts last month and so far he’s really digging it. Oaths and pledges to memorize, handshakes and salutes to learn…right up his alley.…

Happy Birthday, Grace!

Well, our little girl turns 1 today. It hardly seems like a whole year since she squinted up at me with those baby blues under the bright light of the…

Best. Video. Ever.

No, seriously. Might as well lock down Youtube now and call it quits. In this video, we finally understand the secret behind William Shatner’s…erm…unique speech patterns. Obviously he hears music…

My, How Time Does Fly

Wow, Laura and I were married sixteen years ago today. Sometimes it’s hard to believe it’s been that long, but the rest of the time I can’t even remember what…

RIP Les Paul

I’m late with this, but I couldn’t let the passing of Les Paul go without comment. Unquestionably one of the virtuoso guitarists of all time, Les was also a brilliant…

Flynn’s Won the War

During my recuperation, I’ve been enjoying my new box set of Errol Flynn westerns and getting back in touch with my inner Flynn fan. Just for fun, here’s a clip…