Big Boy How Glorious

Scott recently told Mommy he’d like to change his name to Big Boy.  “Big Boy William Morefield?” she asked, trying it out.  “No,” he explained, “I need a new middle…

Weekend Adventures

Scott and I finished up our February sessions of “Side By Side Saturdays” by making shrinky-dinks.  I always let the boys pick out the project they want, and Jason never…

Getting Back on Track

It’s been an unusually white winter for us here in Richmond.  First we got a big snowstorm before Christmas, which was exciting just by nature of its rarity.  Then we…

Happy Birthday, Scott!

Inconceivable as it seems, our Scott turns five today.  That is to say, it seems to have happened lightning-fast for Mom and Dad, but from Scott’s point-of-view, it’s taken an…

Pigeon: Impossible

As a fan of spy movies, animation and just generally all things awesome, I was blown away by this animation from Lucas Martell.  Incredibly, it’s his first stab at directing,…

Deal With The Devil

Well, we all knew Pat Robertson was a nutjob, but with the death of his chief rival Oral (“Satan threw fireballs at me in my kitchen”) Roberts, the CBN founder…

“No Finger Pointing”

In the wake of the security meltdown that nearly led to a Christmas Day disaster on an incoming international flight, President Obama scolded the American intelligence community and said that…