I live on the other side of the world; but even so, I find the cult of support surrounding Obama mystifying: I just don’t get it. I have to agree with “Super-Zero”… Great speechwriting and celebrity appeal but not one bit of substance that I can see.
I must admit, as admirable a man as McCain is (and only as a man — not as a politician), I thought the Republicans were in trouble… But then along comes Palin. Previously, the news from the USA was full of Obama. Now it’s page after page of newspaper coverage of Palin!
Even Palin (the No. 2) has more substance than Obama. (Actually, she has bucketloads of substance, love her or hate her.) She appears to be a great choice of running mate from where I’m sitting.
I live on the other side of the world; but even so, I find the cult of support surrounding Obama mystifying: I just don’t get it. I have to agree with “Super-Zero”… Great speechwriting and celebrity appeal but not one bit of substance that I can see.
I must admit, as admirable a man as McCain is (and only as a man — not as a politician), I thought the Republicans were in trouble… But then along comes Palin. Previously, the news from the USA was full of Obama. Now it’s page after page of newspaper coverage of Palin!
Even Palin (the No. 2) has more substance than Obama. (Actually, she has bucketloads of substance, love her or hate her.) She appears to be a great choice of running mate from where I’m sitting.
– Aldous