Category comics

Hey Kids, Comics!

I don’t know what’s worse, failing to update this site with no posts for months at a time, or ending that drought with an act of shameless self-promotion.  But hey, we can’t really judge until I’ve done both, right?  So…

Carmine Infantino

It’s likely the first images I ever saw of Batman were created by Carmine Infantino.  Sometimes I try to remember my first exposure to the character and I’ve just about decided it wasn’t through the comics, the TV show or…

Scott’s Heroes

Some time ago, I posted images of Scott’s self-created superheroes Fireflash and Tongueman. Well, lately he’s been at it again. I gather Fireflash is his signature character, as he’s still a frequently drawn subject and the recent recipient of a…

Fireflash and Tongueman

Jason and Scott are big superhero fans, which is perhaps not surprising when you consider how many comic books I have around the house.  Lately they’ve taken to inventing their own heroes and drawing their adventures, much as I did…

Hey, I Won Something!

It’s not every day I win something, so I was excited when Rick over at “Mail It To Team Up” chose a banner I enterted in his contest to choose a new title graphic for his comics blog. As winner,…

Superman Fan Blog

Like I’m not doing a lame enough job already just keeping this blog going, now I’ve gone and started a new one. For ten years now, I’ve made almost daily visits to a site called “Superman Thru The Ages” for…

Mike Wieringo, 1963-2007

Earlier this month, comic book artist Mike Wieringo passed away suddenly at the too-young age of 44. Although I only met him once, and briefly, I always felt an odd kinship to Mike. Like him, I grew up on a…