- Attack of the 50-Year-Old Comics
- Super-Team Family: The Lost Issues
- Mark Evanier's Blog
- Plaid Stallions
- Star Trek Fact Check
- The Suits of James Bond
- Wild About Harry (Houdini)
Sometimes I wonder why blogs aren’t so much of a thing anymore, and then I remember how often I update this one, which is almost never. I guess it’s just too easy to share what’s going on in your life…
On June 1, Jason officially graduated high school. This is the part where as Dad I say, “where did the time go?” but I know for him it probably feels overdue. I still remember spending my own HS graduation barely…
Yesterday was a bit chaotic, so I missed posting birthday well-wishes to William Shatner, who turned 90. Better late than never, I guess. For a moment, I was going to type “actor William Shatner” or “Star Trek star…” but at…
I’ve always had more luck with drawing than painting. I’d like to be able to paint, I just never seem to have the patience to learn. It’s on my “to do” list. Anyway, I came across an interesting method for…
I try to avoid political posts on this blog. Early on, it became obvious they’d always end up as gripe sessions, so I decided if I couldn’t say anything positive, I’d say nothing at all. Looking back, I think the…
As I write this, only a few hours remain in the year 2020, and I can’t imagine anyone will be sorry to see it go. Around this time last year, I added a brief post to share a doodle I’d…