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By the first Friday morning at home Jason was showing definite signs of jaundice, so we quickly made an appointment with the pediatrician and had him checked out. The doc said Jason’s bilirubin levels were elevated, meaning I gather that…
Laura and I got quite a surprise on April 15 when baby decided to show up three weeks early! After a quick trip to the hospital, we were blessed with a relatively short labor (about 10 hours), a great doctor…
Yesterday Laura and I went in for another ultra-sound (number eight!) and this time you could see a lot more. Not too surprising I guess, with only six weeks to go. Anyway I keep finding myself saying stupid things like,…
Last week Laura and I took a tour of the Labor and Delivery area at the hospital. It’s starting to sink in that we’ll actually be having a kid in a little more than a month. Meanwhile what was our…
On Dec. 10, Laura and I went in for an ultrasound and got a peek at our first child, now 18 weeks along. The little rascal was very active, covering its face, kicking and wiggling, but eventually they got a…