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Incredible as it seems, Jason is now six months old. Last week we took him in for his check-up and it’s official…he’s big. The scores went like this: height = 90th percentile, weight = 97th percentile, head circumference = 97th…
Dorothy found that everything she ever really needed was in her back yard all the time. In Jason’s case, it’s the front yard. A few days before the hurricane, we lost power when a “waterproof” seal on our electric lines…
Well, we survived Hurricane Isabel with no injuries or property damage, though it did get a little scary for a while. Some neighbors lost trees (and one might lose his house due to a fallen tree), but we just lost…
Hard to believe it’s been four months since Jason was born. In some ways, it seems like just yesterday, but at the same time it’s hard to remember what life was like before him. On the 15th, Jason had his…
Jason continues to do very well. We estimate his weight at somewhere between 15 and 16 pounds, which means he’s double his birth weight here at the 11 week mark. The best part is he’s smiling a lot, and even…
Wow, long time no update. Well, Jason is doing fine now. Once he got his bilirubin levels under control, he went from 7lbs 10 oz to 9 lbs 13 oz in the space of 16 days, so we know he’s…