

Letters and Numbers

Thought I’d write some of this down before I forget, or it gets too old to be relevant. For a while now, Jason’s had fun with letters and numbers. He recognizes all the letters of the alphabet on sight, upper…

More Milestones

Daddy’s back at work now after a great two weeks at home with Jason. For the second of those two weeks, it was just us guys as Laura pitched in to cover for vacationing staff at her old office. It’s…

Holidays 2004

Jason’s hit the 20-month mark now and we’re all looking forward to the arrival of his little brother or sister. Jason loves looking at baby pictures in ads and magazines, and usually kisses them, so we’re hoping that translates to…

Dedicated Wheel Watcher

Past the 18-month mark now and Jason is doing very well. He can recognize all the letters of the alphabet and numbers 1 through 10 and has found the perfect TV show for his interests…Wheel of Fortune! People yell out…

Boy Wonder

At 16 months old, Jason continues to be a source of joy and endless amusement. Of course I’m biased, but I think the kid’s pretty brilliant. He already knows some of his letters (M, E, D, J, O, A, S…

15 Months: Big Brother Time

Wow, long time no update. Jason is now 15 months old and doing very well. At his check-up he registered in the 95th percentile for height, weight and head size, weighing in at 29lbs 1 oz and 33 inches tall.…