

Leap of Hope

Well, the voters have spoken and “Hope” trumps a resumé. What the heck, though, maybe it’ll work out. Sometimes the most effective tool a president has is his ability to inspire, or at least reassure. Aside from prodding the Soviet…

Obama And the Politics of Crowds

Between work and a new baby, it’s hard to find the time or energy (or frankly, the interest) to write entries of a political nature here, but I have started several times to jot down my thoughts on the extraordinary…

Conversations With Jason

Art Linkletter was right, you know; kids really do say the darnedest things. It’s always instructive to hear what’s going on in Jason’s mind, for instance. Lately he’s been piping up with non-sequiturs that make me wonder if he’s actually…

“Look Who’s Irrational Now”

There was a great article recently in the Wall Street Journal about the hypocrisy of avowed atheists painting Christians as superstitious ninnies. Titled “Look Who’s Irrational Now,” the article points out that statistically, atheists are far more likely to believe…

Japanese Video Pranks

If you find yourself bored and have 50 to 100 friends similarly starved for fun, a Japanese TV show has come up with a fun way to spend the afternoon; scaring innocent bystanders with the old “rampaging mob” routine…

Baby Grace Arrives!

The Morefield clan expanded by one on Tuesday, Sept 9 2008 with the birth of Grace Elizabeth, little sister to Jason and Scott. Grace weighed in at 7 lbs 8 oz, 19.25 inches long. She has very dark hair —…