

Legion of Super-Pre-Schoolers

Jason and Scott have decided on a career as superheroes.  Last night they asked me to quiz them on their new identities, and  here’s the upshot: Jason will be known as “Super-Jason” and Scott will be “Super-Scott.”  Both have super-strength…

Jason’s New Desk

Jason’s been doing his homeschool assignments at the kitchen table for a while now, which has led to all sorts of issues.  For one thing, he tends to leave his books, workbooks, pencils and other tools all over the table…

I Can’t Win

One of the by-products of Jason’s competitive streak is that he’ll suddenly say, “You LOSE!” out of the blue. Last night he was in the bath and sure enough said, “You LOSE, Daddy!”  So I called him on it.  “I…

Holidays 2008

Well, another holiday season has come and gone and we’re none the worse for wear (except in the bank account). Jason and Scott really got into the spirit of the season, decorating the house and helping Mommy make cookies and…

Remembering Heather

I must have looked for this photo of my cousin Heather a dozen times in the last two years. I finally stumbled across it by accident in June, just a few days before the anniversary of her death. Today she…

Amazing Grace

Even though it’s our third time around, it never stops being fun watching the lights come on one by one in a baby’s brain as they start recognizing people, studying objects around them, discovering their voices and, best of all,…