

Vacation Fun

May was a busy month for us as we took two vacations almost back-to-back. First up was a trip to Pigeon Forge, TN for four days in a rented cabin. I have to say it was a lot nicer than…

Quick Review: Star Trek (2009)

I finally got around to seeing the new Star Trek film this weekend, a month into its theatrical run. All in all, it was an enjoyable film; fast-paced, well-acted and with some cool visuals. I’m just old enough to be…

War By Any Other Name

In the proud tradition of Bill Clinton, who put a joint in his mouth to please half the room then refused to inhale so as to please the other half, the Obama administration is perfectly willing to continue Bush’s anti-terror…

Scott: Swinging to Infinity

Scott hit a milestone this week; he learned how to swing himself on the swingset.  Luckily, I’d just managed to replace the old plastic stakes (which never stayed in) with some new metal, screw-in anchors.  Between our boys and the…

(More) Quotable Jason

Jason continues to amuse and amaze us with his insights, ideas and pronouncements. With his sixth birthday coming up (!!!), Jason was recently presented with a $20 bill, and shared with me his plans for it.  At first he thought…


Well, the downside of moving your site to blog format is that you’re kind of required to add a post now and then, a responsibility at which I’m proving to be woefully remiss.  In the interests of catching up quickly,…