

Quick Update: Doing Fine

Just in case anybody’s out there biting their nails over my state of health (I’m looking at you, Julian!), thought I leave a quick note to say everything went fine.  They wheeled me into the OR yesterday at 9:15 AM…

The Gall of That Guy!

I’ve always had trouble with certain foods, but this year I’ve been sick more often than I think I ever have been.  I also developed an unpleasant pressure below my rib cage on the right side, so after a visit to…

Weekend Washington “Wings” Tour

Quite an adventure this past weekend as we journeyed up to D.C.  to see Paul McCartney in concert at FedEx Field. It was a great show, and possibly the biggest we’ve seen in terms of venue, topping Paul’s 1990 gig…

We Came In Peace For All Mankind

I don’t have much to add to the hooplah over the 40th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing, but I figured it was worth at least a mention. I was just 4 years old when Neil Armstrong hopped down…