

Happy Birthday, Grace!

It was a pink and purple and “My Little Pony” day yesterday as Grace turned six.  As planned, Twilight Sparkle arrived to take up residence with sister Pinkie Pie.  On the two-legged front, cousins, aunts and uncles and grandparents joined…

Labor Day Adventures: Jason the Chess Champ

Well, this blog thing is working out great, huh?  No updates from April to September.  Anyhoo… We had a lot of excitement over the Labor Day weekend as Jason finished the 78th annual Virginia Closed chess tournament with 5 wins…

Happy Birthday, Jason!

Well, today the counter clicks over to 11, meaning Jason is officially one year into his second decade, incredible as that seems.  After a weekend party with extended family, he spent the day relaxing at home with his birthday loot…

Preserving the Superman Fan site

What seems like a gazillion years ago, I started a fan page dedicated to Superman.  Originally it was just a few static pages devoted to my favorite artists and stories, but when the blogging craze took hold, I transformed it…

More Chess Bragging

The kids continue to be obsessed with chess, and they’re getting better all the time.  This past Monday, they participated in a simultaneous chess demonstration with Grandmaster Sergey Erenburg at the Maggie Walker Governor’s School.  There were about 50 kids…