- Attack of the 50-Year-Old Comics
- Super-Team Family: The Lost Issues
- Mark Evanier's Blog
- Plaid Stallions
- Star Trek Fact Check
- The Suits of James Bond
- Wild About Harry (Houdini)
Fifty years ago this month, the world met Nick Fury, Agent of SHIELD. Okay, so technically we’d already met Nick a couple years earlier as a tough-as-nails three-striper in “Sgt Fury and His Howling Commandos,” but that book was set in…
Grace had her dance recital on Wednesday, and all the practice paid off; she did a great job. Her old class, a couple years ago, was more just a case of “something to do once a week,” with not a…
It’s hard to believe I share a birth year with Emma Peel, but that’s probably because I made my 1965 debut as an infant, while Emma showed up fully grown. And rather nicely so, at that. For the uninitiated, Mrs Emma…
Grace wanted to play a game today, so I dug one out of the closet that we’ve never played, even though it dates back to the 90s. It’s called “Rapid Recall” and it’s kind of like “Password” in that there’s…
Weekend before last, Jason, Scott and I traveled with Troop 800 to Sherando Lake park, near Waynesboro for a weekend of camping. Jason’s chief goal was to fulfil his requirement to complete a 5-mile hike, which he did, in spades, since…
To my eye, there’s little if any difference between Marvel and DC Comics today, but in 1965 the difference was fairly pronounced. Two books on the stands in April of that year, DC’s Superman’s Pal, Jimmy Olsen and Marvel’s Tales Of…