More Fun With Markers

I had some time to kill, so I experimented a bit more with alcohol-based markers for this Superman image. It was going to be a caricature, then it ended up being more “straight,” but the massive chin stuck around. Another side effect of this “evolution” is that the figure ends up too far down the page, so I had to come up with something to fill in all that white ara at the top. For whatever reason, I settle on a dramatic “burst” effect around this head, which probably comes uncomfortable close to a “halo.” I’m not sure how I feel about the whole thing, really, but I’m definitely liking the markers and their ability to blend for shading effects.

I started with a pencil drawing, added markers, then used technical pens to ink in black linework. One cool thing I’m finding with the markers is that you can add and erase pencil marks over them without harming anything.

Anyway, it was a learning experience. On to the next one…

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