Year 2008

Jason and Scott, Lieutenant Marvels

Comic books were a huge part of my childhood, but for the most part I wouldn’t let my boys near anything printed today. A while back Jason took an interest in Superman and had me read him some vintage stories,…

Time Served With the Prisoner

Considering it combines two of my longtime interests — science fiction and espionage — you’d think I’d have devoured “The Prisoner” TV series long before this, but I’m only now getting into it. One reason for my late participation, no…

Toddler Malapropisms

One of the many interesting aspects to having young children is watching them evolve their speech from grunts to baby talk to something approximating English before finally talking like little grown-ups. More than once, Laura’s noted wistfully the first time…

The Secret Life of Houdini

Just finished William Kalush and Larry Sloman’s recent Houdini biography. It’s a pretty fascinating read, but then it’d take some effort to tell Houdini’s life story and NOT make it interesting. As suggested in the subtitle, Houdini was “America’s First…