Year 2007

Drunken Astronauts

These aren’t great days for NASA. Having made the headlines a few months ago with a love triangle turned attempted murder, now comes the revelation that one NASA worker deliberately sabotaged a computer scheduled for use in space while an…

Flying Skybus

Over the weekend we journeyed to Ohio for Laura’s mom’s wedding, and became some of the first passengers of the recently launched Skybus airline. We got our seats for a whopping $10 each, which had me imagining a Korean War-vintage…

A Pair of Jokers

Although this clip has a bit of age on it now (it was taken over a year ago), it’s one of my favorites as it captures perfectly the relationship of Jason and Scott, who each will try any stupid thing…

The Thing About Boys

I turned up a neat quote today on what it’s like to have sons: “A boy is a magical creature. You can lock him out of your workshop, but you can’t lock him out of your heart. You can get…

Back Yard Adventures

Well, the back yard is finally shaping up for us. Last fall we had some guys come in and clear out the woods, taking down about 100 trees and tons of brush, roots and stumps, then bringing in some fill…

Tragedy at Tech

Yesterday a gunman took 32 lives at Virginia Tech in what they’re calling the worst such shooting spree in history. For now, anyway. Every day I work on a university campus with a lot of young people very much like…

April (Snow) Showers Frost Our Flowers

What with all the warm weather and sunshine lately, we decided to buy some plantings for the yard a couple weekends ago. Laura and the boys had fun adding flowers to the various beds and things were looking better than…